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Traveling Alone

Traveling Alone

Traveling Alone

Traveling Alone – You see, the basic and most important point that you have to remember is; we are in fact women. We may be beautiful and intelligent, but unfortunately are the prey of many predators. For example, you may have at some point of time or another faced problems of eve teasing. In other instances, you have either been pestered by men who want to get close or even some male relative of your family. To help you get the most out of a trip, here are quick tips compiled from the advice of women who have traveled alone.



To start with, you should learn to be responsible for yourself. So learn some self-defense mechanism and make yourself ready for extreme conditions.

Packing Light:

You might be in love with your Gucci and Prada, but while traveling alone, make sure that you pack a bag, which you can lift. Asking for help with your luggage in some countries are a sure shot way of inviting thugs.

Laws and Regulations:

This tip is especially very important for women to travel to Islamic countries. Make yourself very thorough with the laws and rules, before you do something wrong and are locked in prison.

Alienating People:

Though this tip may not sound very inviting, take the cue and stop inviting strangers while traveling alone. Please remember that you are not in some movie, that you will meet someone through serendipity at an airport and get married that very night. Usually, chances are that you will be robbed and manhandled, if not worse.


It is no rocket science that different nations speak different languages. Try and learn some of it from a manual, the basics at least. Or else, hire an interpreter cum guide who can show you around.

Be careful about your personal Belongings:

Traveling alone may make your nervous and vulnerable, especially for first timers.. Keep your passport, extra money, and other important documents tucked well So be on the guard and make sure that you keep your belongings in an orderly fashion.


It is said… when in Rome do as the Romans do. Make sure you dress properly and carry yourself with confidence. Wearing revealing clothes may put you in trouble. Wear simple, comfortable covered clothes so as to keep the predators away. A good thumb rule is to dress modestly.


  1. What kind of dresses should I pack? Pack dresses, which are comfortable as well as befitting the location and the purpose.
  2. Should I keep medicines handy? Make sure that you have medicines handy, especially if you are suffering from some ailment or if you are on regular medication.
  3. Which is best cash or credit cards? To be fair, make sure that you have both in safe places so that the chances of being looted are less.

Smita’s Advice

Overall, I think that it best for women to travel in a very practical fashion, rather than being whimsical and suffering later on. The basics of traveling in any country are the same.
However, women should remember that wearing stilettos while traveling alone and having a bag that they can barely lift are no good.
How you present yourself can make the difference between a great time and an undesirable situation.

Internet Home Based Business

Internet Home Based Business

Internet Home Based Business

Internet Home Based Business – Perhaps those that grew up with having to read computer screens have an innate ability to extract all the information from it naturally. I have found that those of us who fall under the “pre computer era” category often miss vital or obvious information on a screen due to the way we were taught to read. Quite often, when seeking help after hours of frustration the information you need was on the screen after all. Internet Home Based Business.

Luckily, being over 50, we have the ability to apply tried techniques successfully as we have been in many such situations in our careers before. To be successful in an internet business it is vital to be able to find the information you need quickly and also be able to help yourself when stuck. Here are 6 easy to apply techniques to extract the maximum information in the most productive time period possible from one screen of information and give you more options to help yourself when stuck.

1. Take it ALL in

In general, we read a printed page from top left to bottom right but looking at a web page we only really look at a “F” shaped area one third across a web page and about just over halfway down the left hand side. I have found over the years that the best way to ensure that you start off reading a screen correctly is to look at the middle section of the screen, then deliberately look up, down, left, right and just take the whole page in. No reading required at this stage. By doing this you give yourself a neutral starting point and your focus is not automatically directed to your normal reading style habits.

2. Systematic Scan

After a few minutes applying tip 1, start at the top left of your screen and by turning your head, scan the first block/line of information to the top right, even if it is your browser heading.
I found that turning my head forces my eyes to read right across the screen and understand what I read instead of just comprehending fully the information on the left.
The nice wide screens they have now makes this an even more important exercise. With time it will become your new way of looking at a screen, but for a while it will have to be a conscious activity.

3. Good things comes to those that… Hover

Perhaps well known by now, but underestimated as a very power full technique, is to simply place your cursor over anything unfamiliar and… wait.
Hovering on buttons, some text, tabs and titles, amongst others, will cause a pop-up box to appear with useful information. Some sites now even have almost half the article pop up to read instead of clicking through to the page and wasting time. Internet Home Based Business.

4. Right-Click is Your Friend

My favorite technique that never ceases to amaze me is the secrets revealed by the right-click action on your mouse.
Place your cursor on the area of interest (or frustration) and click the right side of your mouse. A whole new world of options, help and actions will appear.
This has been by far the most valuable way I have discovered many years back to get even more out of one screen of information and I have also learned a lot of new ways to become more productive using this technique.

5. A helping of HELP

If you followed tips one and two, you most probably rediscovered the Help section of the screen you are looking at.
This simple area on a screen can give you total control over solving your own problems and I made it my mission a few years back to always use the help section before asking for help.

It’s so easy to start on one screen and several screens later lose your initial focus completely following all the great links that makes the web such a rich source of information.
To keep focused on one screen but not lose any potential valuable information that will take you out to another screen, the following two techniques could be very useful:

  1. Right-click on an interesting link and choose the option on the menu that will open the link in another tab or even in another window. This way you can go back later to read the discovery and stay on the current screen.
  2. Open your word processor and when you come across some interesting information you want to keep track of, highlight the piece of information by keeping your left mouse key down and dragging it across the information.

6. Staying focused on one screen

It’s so easy to start on one screen and several screens later lose your initial focus completely following all the great links that makes the web such a rich source of information.
To keep focused on one screen but not lose any potential valuable information that will take you out to another screen, the following two techniques could be very useful:

  1. Right-click on an interesting link and choose the option on the menu that will open the link in another tab or even in another window. This way you can go back later to read the discovery and stay on the current screen.
  2. Open your word processor and when you come across some interesting information you want to keep track of highlight the piece of information by keeping your left mouse key down and dragging it across the information.